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Ted Stevens
Anchorage International Airport

Master Plan Update

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The team has collected information and developed alternatives to meet the identified facility requirements. Alternatives were developed through a series of workshops with Airport staff, followed by a public meeting to share your feedback and best ideas in May 2024. Right now, we are preparing the Final Report. If you’re on our mailing list, you’ll get an update as soon the report is published.

Master Plan Overview

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC) is in need of a Master Plan Update that provides Airport management and the State of Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) with a strategy for continued development.

An airport master plan, developed in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements, is a comprehensive study that envisions short-, medium-, and long-term development plans. The FAA recommends that all large airports complete master plans every 5–7 years. It has been 10 years since the last Master Plan Update for ANC was adopted in 2013.   ANC, operated by DOT&PF, is among the most unique airports in the United States. The Airport connects Alaska to the lower 48 states and to international destinations, serves a key role in domestic and international cargo transportation, and links Alaskan travelers to other locations within the state.

The ANC Master Plan will result in a development implementation plan that will ensure the continued safe and efficient operation of the Airport and enable the Airport to meet future aviation demand. The Master Plan will be conducted in accordance with FAA guidance and includes a stakeholder and public participation program to inform and to solicit feedback. As Alaska’s largest and busiest airport, ANC is a vital transportation asset for all Alaskans and plays an essential role in the national air transportation network.

Key Objectives

Objectives to be met by the Master Plan Update include:

  • Define ANC’s role in a rapidly evolving aviation environment.
  • Ensure that the passenger terminal meets modern travel air demands.
  • Position ANC to harness global e-commerce and fully develop the land use plan.
  • Prepare a business-oriented development plan.
  • Host and provide public engagement opportunities to maintain the Airport’s goodwill in the community.


The Master Plan Update will be an 18 to 24-month process to select a preferred development plan option and prepare a Final Report.

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